Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reader Recommends: Ghost Stories

Ramblings on Readings has started hosting a weekly "Reader Recommends". Readers "choose up to five books or series you would recommend based on the topic or genre. If you haven’t read the topic, you can post books you are interested in reading based on the topic. Add your post to the Link-up at the bottom of each Reader Recommends post to see other bloggers’ suggestions, and make some new friends!". Sounds fun, right? This week the topic is ghost stories.

I haven't read a lot of good ghost stories. I think this is partly out of cowardice. I see one that looks good and put it on my "to read" list rather than actually reading it. I'm not as scared to read those with lower ratings. Embarrassing? Yes. But there you have it. Here are three I have enjoyed and three I will someday get the courage to read.


I absolutely LOVE the Charlie Davidson series by Darynda Jones. There are lots of ghosts, but the books are more mystery than scary. The main character, Charlie, is the Grim Reaper. Ghosts, including a ghost dog, cling to Charlie day and night. Lots of supernatural with a dose of the sexy (it gets pretty steamy!) means my kind of series.

15645The spirits in Dante's Inferno are probably closer to souls than ghosts, but they have still terrified me from the first time I read this book. I like this one because it is a classic I actually enjoy reading every time. Plenty of creepy in this one!

Rooms by Lauren Oliver is a ghost story in the more classic sense as the living and the dead share the same residence, but it's still not creepy. The dead observe and comment on the living but can only communicate through the house itself - creaking walls, etc. Lots of family drama from both the ghosts and those still alive dominates much of the book.

Want to Read



Want to join in on the fun? Link up your post with your favorite ghost stories here.


  1. You made me do the happiest of happy dances!!! I'm so glad you chose to be a part of Reader Recommends!!! And this post is amazing because I haven't read any of these, but now I really want to!! Again, thanks so much for participating!

    New follower :)

    Jessica @ Ramblings on Readings

  2. I'm so glad! I love the Reader Recommends idea. It also motivated me to go online and place a hold at the library on those three books I've been meaning to read...


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