Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Greetings fabulous readers, bloggers, Stumblers, and wonder-nerds! It took winning about a hundred books to motivate me to start writing about them, but here we are. I now dub this the "Won Book Blog" because after much overthinking I finally said "Blast it!" and decided to keep it simple. I love free books. They are won-derful. (Har har har?) My fingers tingle and my heart thumps when I see those rectangular envelopes on my doorstep. I open them up and behold! An adventure! I have also added "Bookish Travels"  and "Crafty Texts" sections as my travels and craftiness tend to be, well, bookish. Those sections will be mostly pictures. And Bookish. Won-derful book reviews, Bookish Travels, and Crafty Texts. Got it? I knew you would! Now let us begin our adventures...