Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Stealthy Book Box

I had a great time making this box! It ended up being a bit harder than expected, but with the right tools I think it would go rather quicker. Most of the time spend was sawing. and sawing. and sawing. Whew! If you use a hand saw like I did, prepare yourself for a workout. I took pictures of my methods. They are not always pretty but I am satisfied with the end product. Here we go!


  •  Set of Books
  • Bookmark
  • Mod Podge
  • Brush or sponge
  • Wood Glue
  • Saw
  • Belt, weights, or clamps

Set aside two books. These will serve as the sides of your box.

 Glue the bookmark into the book you wish to be in the center if your box. This will be the handle used to pull off the lid.

 Make an "L" of glue on the cover of each book. This should attach the binding and top sides of the books. The spines will be the front of the box and the glued together tops will be the lid.

Use your belt, weight, or clamps to hold the books tightly together while the glue dries.

Mod Podge the crap out of the pages all the way around each book. Let it dry completely.

Draw a line across the top of the books about two inches from the spines.

Now for the tough part. Saw along the line to separate the two inch section of binding from the rest of the books. Saw until your fingers bleed and your arms fall off. Okay, well stop if your arms fall off...

It should look something like this...


Glue the spine front to the two books you set aside earlier. I chose to Mod Podge the pages of the two books closed before this step, but you can leave it so the books can still open if you wish. Set this part aside to dry.

Next it is time to make the lid. More sawing! Yay! If you are doing this by hand, may the force be with you. If you have and electric saw, I hate you.  Cut about and inch and a half from the top of your spineless book stack. Cut that spineless stack! Cut it!


Mod Podge all sides of the lid.

My lid expanded a bit during the sawing process. I chose to belt the pieces together while the Mod Podge dried to keep it the right size.

Take a look at the covers you have left in your book stack. Choose those that you would like to be used for the back, bottom, and interior of the box. First, cut two of the covers the the size of the interior of your box. Glue one on the inside and one on the back.

Place you box on one more of the covers and trace the bottom onto the cover. Cut it out and glue in the bottom piece.


Let it dry and you're done! If you want the lid to stay attached, it would be easy to add a hinge. I feel so stealthy having this on my bookshelf. I hope you have enjoyed the pictures of me winging a project without a real plan. If you decide to try it I would love to see your pictures! Until next time, happy doing!

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