Book: Little Flower Yoga for Kids
Author: Jennifer Cohen Harper
Given by: New Harbinger via Goodreads First
Rating: 5/5 Won-derfuls (AMAZING!)
This is an incredible book! It provides wonderful ideas about helping children practice mindfulness and yoga. I work with parents and young children in a child abuse prevention program. I plan to use what I learned in this text with my families in their homes when discussing emotional regulation and exercise. Everything I need to get started is in this one book.
There are tons of step by step exercises and helpful tips for initiating the program at home. It has very specific instructions and illustrations which are very useful. I have done yoga a few times, but do not practice regularly. Without a book like this I would have no idea how to introduce these valuable techniques to the families with whom I work. Teacher or parent, experienced or not - this book caters to all. Jennifer Cohen Harper has created a very user friendly guide that is going to be a valuable asset in my professional library. I highly recommend this book!
You can click here to purchase the book or learn more about the Little Flower Yoga program.